domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Pequeño perro Spitz

The photograph, is of a terracotta statuette of a small Spitz Dog and the original can be found in the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was found in the ruins of Citium in Cyprus (modern day Larnaca) and was attributed in Wilckens’ book (late 1890s) as dating from Mycenaean Greek (Mykenischer) occupation in Citium between 1300BC to 1100BC. Unfortunately, stylistically the little model appears to be about 600 years younger - and this is probably apparent by comparing it to the dog figure above from 800BC.
There are many examples of small Spitz dogs in existence, depicted on vases, funerary steles, frescoes and small statuettes dating back to the ancient Greek, Etruscan and Roman civilizations. Most examples date from after 500BC but there is one little figurine, (left) identified by Lady Wentworth and displayed in the British Museum, dates from about 800BC or earlier.

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